Summer course 2021 – Find your talent and heal your life

Invitation to summer course in quality of life
week 29, 2021: 5 Days course in Quality of life and Happiness
Elsebråne Retreat Center 19-23 July from Monday at 10:00 to Friday at 16:00
*Find your talent and heal your life*
Everybody has a great potential. Yet most of the people live mediocre lifes. The reason is that we don’t come to know ourselves truly. As we grow in self-insight our talents become visible. We start to have more fun and create more value. As we get more happy, physical and mental problems seem to vanish and our focus becomes more positive and constructive. When we start to grow there is no reason to stop again. And soon we will realize that we started to change our own destiny.
Can you do that in five days?
Yes, you can, if you wish enough for it.
The diet is simple vegetarian food. We life in single or double rooms on a 200 year old farm in Blekinge.
The method is existential conversation combined with body psychotherapy (traditional holistic medicine ad modum Hippocrates). We work alone, and help each other in groups.
The course price is 4500 DKK.
We start 10.00 Monday and ends 4pm Friday, but you are welcome to arrive on Sunday evening and stay until Saturday 12.00 noon.
Language: Danish & English
All the best,
Søren Ventegodt
PS: If you take any kind of medicine I would like to know this in connection with your registration.

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